On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Nicholas Metsovon <nmets...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, from what I understand, there are a number of window 
> managers and at least one desktop (xfce) out there that, from what I 
> understand, don't need X to operate.  There's also FreeNX, that I thought 
> someone said doesn't need X.  And I think it was about seven or eight years 
> ago, most of the major distributions switched briefly from Xorg to XFree86, 
> and then went back to Xorg.
> If Xorg is a significant part of the problem here, could any of these 
> technologies be used to make a (software) windowing server to feed the 
> display instead of Xorg?
> I'm just thinking out loud here.  I wouldn't know where to begin with this.

Or how about just a light-weight/optimized X Server?  A group I  used
to volunteer with used RULE linux http://rule-project.org/ when we
would tread low memory box's for community members circa 2002. As I
remember RULE stood for "Run up2date Linux Everywhere" and used RHL's
anaconda for hardware detection. Rule would work with clients with 8
to 12 Mb ram and used a variation on Tinyx. Its founder Marco Fioretti
must be a master of X in tiny spaces and would be a great resource if
there was ever a move to go this direction.


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