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David Hopkins a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> I try to install an ltsp-server to boot thin clients on my f10 box.
>> I followed instructions there:
>> https://fedorahosted.org/k12linux/wiki/InstallGuide
>> But failed....
> Make sure you follow them exactly up to the point that you have to
> enable the network for real thin clients (Step 11).  At that point I
> had to follow the installation instructions that were found in root's
> Desktop on the live DVD to associate ethN (eth0 for me) with ltspbr0

Is it different from:

brctl addif ltspbr0 eth1
(it is eth1 for me)

> properly and make sure that NetworkManager didn't try to manage that
> device.

NetworkManager is not running....

> I also had to reenable iptables and set up masquerading as
> well so that local apps like Firefox would work.

masquerading? On the local network? I have masquerading set up for the
internet connections of machines from the lan.

Is iptables mandatory to only boot up the TC? It is the first step I try
to achieve.... Boot hangs, as I said, and I cannot figure out why.

Thanks for helping.

Best regards.

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris Descartes
Tél. +33 (0)1 4286 2145
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