>>> I try to install an ltsp-server to boot thin clients on my f10 box.
>>> I followed instructions there:
>>> https://fedorahosted.org/k12linux/wiki/InstallGuide
>>> But failed....
>> Make sure you follow them exactly up to the point that you have to
>> enable the network for real thin clients (Step 11).  At that point I
>> had to follow the installation instructions that were found in root's
>> Desktop on the live DVD to associate ethN (eth0 for me) with ltspbr0
> Is it different from:
> brctl addif ltspbr0 eth1
> (it is eth1 for me)

That seems right.

>> properly and make sure that NetworkManager didn't try to manage that
>> device.
> NetworkManager is not running....

Ok ... so my issue of NM taking control of ethN isn't your issue.

>> I also had to reenable iptables and set up masquerading as
>> well so that local apps like Firefox would work.
> masquerading? On the local network? I have masquerading set up for the
> internet connections of machines from the lan.
> Is iptables mandatory to only boot up the TC? It is the first step I try
> to achieve.... Boot hangs, as I said, and I cannot figure out why.

Have you tried a different thin client?  masquerading (nat? between
the thin client address 172.x and the wan) seems to be needed on the
ltsp server to allow local apps to work (dns resolution issue for me
with local apps like FF), or at least, I needed it to get local apps
working.  But you're saying the boot process is hanging. I'd just try
a different thin client (even a desktop system that supports PXE) to
confirm that it is a server-side issue.

Dave Hopkins

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