Jordan Erickson wrote:
> Ondrej Valousek wrote:
> *snip*
>> Also, LTSP/Linux kernel developers should pay more attention to the 
>> resource control as that's the biggest gap I am seeing at the moment....
> This is a very valid question that I've run up against.. is there no
> software for Linux that throttles seemingly out-of-control processes? I
> can see how it would be very difficult for it to be determined as an
> actual runaway process and not something that's just CPU intensive for
> the task it's handling...but per-user/global nice monitor perhaps? Hmm,
> probably man nice would help. Actually, doesn't. ;) But still, hmm.
> Cheers,
> Jordan

ulimit [-SHacdflmnpstuv [limit]]
     Provides control over the resources available to the shell and 
to processes started by it, on systems that allow such control. The 
-H and -S options specify that the hard or soft limit is set for the 
given resource. A hard limit cannot be increased once it is set; a 
soft limit may be increased up to the value of the hard limit. If 
neither -H nor -S is specified, both the soft and hard limits are 
set. The value of limit can be a number in the unit specified for 
the resource or one of the special values hard, soft, or unlimited, 
which stand for the current hard limit, the current soft limit, and 
no limit, respectively. If limit is omitted, the current value of 
the soft limit of the resource is printed, unless the -H option is 
given. When more than one resource is specified, the limit name and 
unit are printed before the value. Other options are interpreted as 
follows: [snip]

Pete Billson
ELB Internet Service, Inc.
Reliable Tech Support for New Jersey's Public Libraries

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