On 03/19/2010 12:05 PM, David Burgess wrote:
> Hi,
> I know this has been discussed here before, but I can't find
> documentation on it.
> I'm just curious what the borderline hardware requirements for ltsp 5
> would be. I'm running it quite happily on some newer hardware, but CDW
> really caught my eye with this Wyse client, which can be had for
> practically pocket change.
> http://www.cdw.ca/shop/products/default.aspx?EDC=1228160
> The specs are pretty modest of course. I'm wondering if I could use it
> for a library catalogue lookup POS, or something light like that that
> wouldn't be using flash. I don't think I'm interested in installing
> ltsp 4.2 though.
> Thoughts?
> db

Is $236 pocket change?!?  I dunno, that sounds like a _lot_ of money for
a Geode GX CPU and 256 MB RAM.

I have standardized my thin clients on a D945GSEJT MOBO with 1 GB RAM in
a Morex T-1610 case/PS.  Small, silent, very low power (12 watts),
DVI+VGA, GigE and enough power to run real world applications as
localapps for about $210 US + S&H:


That being said S&H adds up for those if you want them in Canada (going
by your link to cdw.ca).  If you don't care as much about case size,
power efficiency, DVI and GigE you can go a lot cheaper with something
like this:


$70+$32+$38=$140 CDN + tax + S&H

If you want 2 GB RAM, a DVD and a hard drive thrown in check this out:


According to this page:


They are on sale now for $186 CDN.  That really is an unbelievable price
for what is a usable _fat_ client.

Just some ideas of other things you can get for less than $236.


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