On 04/15/2010 11:57 PM, Jordan Erickson wrote:
> Jeff Siddall wrote:
>> I have standardized my thin clients on a D945GSEJT MOBO with 1 GB RAM in
>> a Morex T-1610 case/PS.  Small, silent, very low power (12 watts),
>> DVI+VGA, GigE and enough power to run real world applications as
>> localapps for about $210 US + S&H:
>> http://www.logicsupply.com/products/jt_t_1610
> ...WOW!! Now that's a good deal, and slick case, too!
> I'm assuming all the hardware works OOTB.. I gotta grab me one of these
> for testing. Thanks!

Yeah.  The case is slicker than it seems.  Turns out it's solid metal
which I wasn't expecting.

The hardware does work OOTB on F12 at least.  I must say that I have not
tried a dual-head configuration but both DVI and VGA work independently.

By default the two MIC inputs (MIC and FRONT_MIC) are cranked which adds
a lot of white noise to the audio.  See my other post about fixing that.

Other than that they are great.

One other thing: I thought I had some bad MOBOs at first.  If you get no
POST try removing and re-seating the SODIMM a few times.  Seems like the
RAM contacts need some scrubbing before they work properly.


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