Στις 21-12-2010, ημέρα Τρι, και ώρα 21:06 -0500, ο/η Jonathan Carter
(highvoltage) έγραψε:
> > 1)  Booting would hang on network-manager and/or
> > network-manager-dispatcher.
> > 
> Vagrant, did Debian strip away the fat client plugin switches? In Ubuntu
> the above is taken care of for the user. Any reason we can't have that
> in Debian too?

I think instead of blacklisting / removing network manager, it'd be
better if we created an entry in /etc/network/interfaces that contained
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet manual

Then network manager wouldn't allow changes to that interface, but it
would show its properties in nm-applet, and it would allow managing
other interfaces (e.g. the client might have a wireless interface too or
might want to setup a per-user vpn).

Of course the interface name won't always be "eth0", it'd need to be
determined while booting.

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