On Monday 27 June 2011 01:47:03 pm Matt Johnson wrote:
> ________________________________
> From: ulises gonzalez <uli...@mfp.gov.cu>
> To: ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
> Sent: Monday, 27 June 2011, 17:32
> Subject: [Ltsp-discuss] How to setup ltsp-local-apps
> Hello
> I'm using Ltsp 5.2.1 with ubuntu 10.04 everything works fine, but I want to
> setup firefox as a local aplication, If I run
> ltsp-local-apps /usr/bin/firefox, nothing is executed, however the exit of
> the command is 0,  what should I do?? I've been testing with other
> aplicacions with similar results even if the command to execut does not
> exits,
> =============
> My notes are here:
> sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
> export LTSP_HANDLE_DAEMONS=false
> mount -t proc proc /proc
> apt-get update
> apt-get install firefox
> sudo nano /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf
> Make sure the following is in your lts.conf
> [Default]
> LOCAL_APPS = true
> =============
> I would think you need to rebuild the image with
> sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys
> sudo ltsp-update-image
> Then when you click firefox in the normal menu from the client desktop,
> it'll run as a local app. I recommend you install restricted-extras in the
> chroot as well so that flash is installed and popular codecs are on hand
> for the local app version of firefox.
> Good luck. Hope that helps.
> --
> Matt

thanks I'll follow your advices, later I'll write my experience

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