Στις 25/08/2012 09:27 μμ, ο/η John Hupp έγραψε:
> A simple press of the power button does not turn off the machine at that
> point.  I have to press and hold it 5 seconds or so.

This is a BIOS setting. Press [del] when the machine starts, and select
"Instant off" or "Wait 5 seconds before poweroff".
It's not related to the operating system that you use.

> On the Edubuntu network, all clients have to invoke Shutdown from the
> desktop and from the login screen.  After choosing Shutdown from the
> desktop (and then presenting a dialog for Shutdown or Restart), it drops
> back to the login screen, and there one chooses Preferences: Shutdown. 
> [Very tedious, but that's not my real interest in this post.  And as a
> footnote, the server shuts down cleanly after the two clicks on the desktop.

I reported that problem in
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/491940, you
can comment there if you want.

> One other behavior that was of interest to me but that I did not
> thoroughly document was that even on machines where Shutdown hangs, it
> seems generally to be the case that Restart does not hang.  The machine
> proceeds smoothly to POST and reboot.

The "machine does not power off" problem is related to acpi/kernel. You
can verify that it isn't related to ltsp by booting the client with a CD
or usb stick. You can report that upstream to the kernel, see
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/kernel for instructions.

> Or failing that, can I insert a splash screen at the end of the shutdown
> process something like Windows 95/98 used on machines where it could not
> execute a complete shutdown automatically?  (The screen said something
> like "It is now safe to turn off your computer.")

It's not very easy, and it isn't LTSP-specific, it's distro specific. If
you decide that you want to do that, you'll need some Ubuntu-specific
mailing list or other means of communication (generally bug reports in
launchpad are a good method).

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