On 11/06/13 10:21, Michael Pope wrote:
> Rob,
> On 09/06/13 23:18, Rob Owens wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 08, 2013 at 01:05:50PM +1000, Michael Pope wrote:
>>> I'm not getting sound from the client.
>> I have the same problem.  Mplayer works, but Rhythmbox doesn't.  I think
>> mplayer is using alsa, but if you want to do some tests you can do
>> 'mplayer -ao pulse' or 'mplayer -ao alsa', etc.  One thing to note:  if
>> I try to use rhythmbox (which uses pulseaudio I assume), sound will not
>> work with mplayer until I reboot the thin client.  So make sure you
>> reboot your thin client in between tests.
>> -Rob
> If I play using mplayer either with 'pulse' or 'alsa' I get the same message
> 'Audio device got stuck!'
> When I start mplayer I can see it in the 'pavucontrol' on the client.
> When I adjust the thin clients main volume it adjusts the server at the
> same time. It is like both pulse servers (server & client) are linked
> together.
> from
> Michael

More information

I've found that pulseaudio isn't running on the client and if I try and 
start it manually I get the following errror:

E: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to open module 
"module-esound-protocol-tcp": file not found
E: [pulseaudio] module-gconf.c: pa_module_load() failed

Also every time I start my mplayer test it adds one process to a queue 
for the pulseaudio system which I can see if I type 'sudo netstat -anp | 
grep 4713'. All the sound jobs from the thin client sit in the queue and 
then time out. Whilst they are sitting in the queue they have the words 
'TIME_WAIT' next to them, this is when I'm getting the error 'Audio 
device got stuck!' in mplayer.

Also I think I'm getting close to the other problem which is when I 
adjust the volume levels on the thin client the servers volume goes up 
and down as well, this seems to be an issue with xfce4-volumed, this 
daemon seems to be listening to any volume control on any of the 
connected systems to the LTSP machine and adjusting all volume levels on 
all machines connected (thin clients & the server).


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