On 12/5/2013 11:31 AM, John Hupp wrote:
> I'm still troubleshooting the problem in which (on *buntu 13.10) client
> boot fails after the splash screen with 'Error: socket failed:
> connection refused.'
> My current working premise is that this is an nbd error.
> So I want to see the nbd-client command line and configuration in the
> client initramfs.  I'm assuming that loads from the initramfs /init
> script, but 'cat /init' produces rather useless scrolls-by-in-a-flash
> output, and the initramfs does not support 'cat /init | less.'
> Can I locate the init script somewhere on the server?

I found out that I can view the init script from /boot/initrd.img-* via 
a procedure like:

      $ mkdir -p /tmp/initrd
      $ cd /tmp/initrd
      $ cp /boot/initrd.img-<rest of your filename> ./initrd.gz
      $ gzip -d initrd.gz
      $ cpio -i < initrd

After that the contents of the initrd are going to be unpacked into the 
/tmp/initrd directory.

But that is not the same initrd used on the LTSP client, is it?  If so, 
there is no mention of nbd anywhere in its init script.

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