On Tue, May 06, 2014 at 08:30:27AM +0200, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
> > I've also dabbled with the Raspberry PI:
> >
> >    http://cascadia.debian.net/trenza/Documentation/raspberrypi-ltsp-howto/
> >
> > But I'm not particularly impressed with the results; some people have been
> > using Raspberry PI thin/fat clients in production.

> I know the Raspberry PI a bit and have seen how smoothly it can run 
> under a dedicated kernel. So I'd guess LTSP's main drawback here is that 
> it uses the standard kernel of its host OS and if one could pack a 
> specialized kernel like with LTSP 4, there would be less problems.

Well, I've only used the RPI with a kernel built specifically for Raspbian, and
worked to get it packaged more like a standard Debian kernel package at one 
largely so that LTSP could be used with it. Well, also because I have an 
to poorly packaged kernels...

Basically, a kernel for the RPI will always be tailored to the hardware.

LTSP4 was a bit before my time, but it primarily targeted x86, which could build
a single kernel that would work on just about any x86 hardware... but this just
isn't feasible with the current state of ARM support in the Linux kernel... it's
improving, slightly.

> This leads me to my problem with LTSP 5 with too old clients and with my 
> own client in my office (also something special like ARM, don't remember 
> exactly). All run perfectly well under LTSP 4 (i. e. with a reduced, 
> special kernel), but no chance with the standard kernel of the SuSE-Kiwi 
> LTSP distro. (But this is another topic...)
> Or am I completely wrong here?

OSes has grown considerably since the last LTSP4 release (2005?). If LTSP had
continued to develop LTSP4, even with some hand-tailoring, it would have also 
probably bloated a bit over time. With modular kernels, the core kernel
shouldn't be that big, but there's some significant variation from distro to

It's perhaps even moreso all the other binaries have grown in capability and
in resource useage, not just the kernel... X.org is one, but applications like
firefox and libreoffice/openoffice also take huge amounts of resources... and a
lot of other little binaries running behind the scenes gradually eat RAM and
CPU cycles...

Some hardware has lost support in newer versions of the kernel or X.org, too.
There may not be a technical reason for why it works poorly on a modern linux
kernel, except there was nobody to care for it and ensure it continued to work.
Major changes to the way things are done that pave way for greater improvements
(i.e. kernel mode setting), may require considerable effort to bring a driver up
to speed, and developers generally have more time, interest and hardware access
to hardware that's reasonably current.

Looks like the pcduino a10 variant has rudimentary support in the mainline
kernel, for what it's worth. :)

live well,

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