Here's a first go at a luarock for luaposix 5.1.12:

source = {
  url = "";,
  md5 = "fcead5aa7d78b7d2c578e55177524aaa",
  dir = "luaposix-5.1.12"
description = {
  summary = "A POSIX library (including curses) for Lua.",
  detailed = [[
      A library binding various POSIX APIs, including curses.
      POSIX is the IEEE Portable Operating System Interface standard.
      luaposix is based on lposix and lcurses.
  homepage = "";,
  license = "MIT/X11"
dependencies = {
  "lua >= 5.1"

build = {
  type = "command",
  build_command = "LUA=$(LUA) CPPFLAGS=-I$(LUA_INCDIR) ./configure
--prefix=$(PREFIX) --libdir=$(LIBDIR) --datadir=$(LIBDIR)",
  install_command = "make install"

Let me know how it looks! If you like it, then I think one can use the
build_command and install_command for most autotool-based projects.


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