On 15 September 2011 23:46, Reuben Thomas <r...@sc3d.org> wrote:
> The one thing I can't see how to do after getting a working rockspec
> for both luaposix and stdlib is how to install .lua files in a
> different place from .so files. It's fairly common to install
> (arch-independent) .lua files once per system under
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1 or similar, while .so files obviously go
> under /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1 or similar, and perhaps in a per-arch
> directory. This reflects a similar split between the default
> package.path and package.cpath on Linux.
> However, in my config.lua file I find only LIBDIR, which corresponds
> to package.cpath, but I can't find any LUADIR or SHAREDIR or similar
> (what GNU autotools calls 'datadir'). I can't see anything like this
> in the luarocks sources either.

OK, I found LUADIR, but unlike LIBDIR I don't see how to configure it,
as it is not read from config.lua...


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