On 12/20/2023 6:09 PM, Henrik Mannerström wrote:
The following file (currently not "approved by the community”) compiles in 2.2 
seconds with lualatex and in 0.3 seconds with pdflatex with a precompiled format. 
That is over seven times slower. When I add four pages of meaningful content (text 
and equations) the times are 2.5s and 0.5s, still five times slower. This is meant 
to be an illustration only, but not so small to be meaningless. The minimal file: 
\documentclass{minimal}  \begin{document} Hello World! \end{document} still takes 
0.7s with lualatex.



Hello World!
What if you replace the Hello World by \null and disable page numbers?


pdftex : 0.3 sec -> 0.5 sec -> delta 0.2 sec
luatex : 2.2 sec -> 2.5 sec -> delta 0.3 sec

which means that luatex needs 0.1 sec more when we do real pages?

- 32 bit fonts with features
- unicode math
- 32 bit patterns

now, what really can slow down is protrusion and expansion (how useful and needed are they)? actually expansion in luatex is done a bit different (more granular, less font instances, etc) but I;m not sure if that adds much,


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl

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