The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation, HOSEF, will have its first organizational meeting this Saturday at 11am at the Stadium Marketplace Pricebusters. Directions can be found at We will review and approve our bylaws after which we will nominate and elect our Steering Committee. I encourage all of you to come take part.

Please note that twice a week we offer free help with Linux at the Stadium Marketplace Pricebusters. The details can be found at These two time periods are for restoring, testing, and deploying hardware. They are also for Open Source Advocacy and Education. If you or someone you know wants to know more about Linux, come on by. They can talk about it, they can install it, they can mess with it. If they want to install it on their own computer, they can bring it in and we will help them. This amounts to 300 scheduled hours a year that we are offering the community for Linux education and outreach.


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