On Saturday July 12, 2003 we will be holding our Organizational Meeting at the McKinley Community School for adults. In the interest of openness and transparency, we invite any and all to attend and contribute to our vision. Please note that the usual Saturday Workshop at Pricebusters will be held at McKinley instead. Directions are here:


In addition to the agenda listed below, we will be going to Liholiho Elementary to complete the installation of a thin client lab our noble collection of volunteers have been working on. We need to do the following, to quote project leader Warren,

"What Needs to be done?
1) Remove hard drives
2) Flash all 3c905 cards with the latest MBA version using this floppy
3) Wire everything"

We can certainly use some help both here and with our McKinley project.

Organizational Meeting Agenda:

1.State of Affairs from

Scott- Chair/Treasurer
Vince - Vice-Chair
Enrico - Webmaster
Warren - Technical Advisor

2. Nomination and election of a new Public Relations Officer.
The position is described here


3. Open Input from you.

We look forward to seeing you


R. Scott Belford
The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation

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