The second Saturday has come fast this month, so let me please invite you to our monthly organizational meeting held at the McKinley Community School for Adults. Links to directions and details can be found here

On the second Saturday of each month we meet at noon to discuss the status of current projects and to engage in discussions of what may be. You are invited. We will be discussing

- status of McKinley and Liholiho installations
- potential need of volunteer to take an expense paid trip to China to install labs - Opportunity to meet monthly at Border's for seminars, lectures, and occasional hardware drives. Details emerging, but the offer has been made.
- Evolution and Expansion of Current Hosef classes held at McKinley
- Interest of the Hawaii Technology Institute in developing a lab
- The need for people to help us give away a very healthy pile of computer
- The need for upgrades to our kind hardware host, videl, graciously hosted at

Please join us.  Your comments and presence make us better.



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