Thanks for the outreach, Eric.  Luau is an appropriate venue since it is 
sponsored by HOSEF.  It's great that you guys met and have an interest in 
working with the LTSP on your island.  We want to send you whatever computers 
and monitors that you need.  It is possible that we can have their shipment 
arranged for free.  One of your members contacted me about that and is 
looking into it.

In looking and soliciting for help on the Big Island, keep in mind that you 
guys are certainly considered to be a part of HOSEF.  It exists to help you.  
If someone can be persuaded to donate part of their home or business to you, 
they can deduct this through HOSEF.  The IRS wisely encourages assisting 
charitable groups like ours by offering these deductions.

A meeting sounds good.  We should work on some windows of opportunity and 
come up with a good time.  


On Tuesday 18 February 2003 09:54 pm, Eric Jeschke wrote:
> Aloha,
> I visited the HOSEF web site and did not find any information about a
> mailing list; apologies in advance if this list is not the appropriate
> venue.
> We had our BILUG meeting last Saturday and discussed the possibility (as
> discussed in the group IRC chat the other night) of getting some of your
> donated machines for educational LTSP installations over here on the Big
> Island.
> The short summary of it is 1) everyone present seemed interested and
> enthusiastic about the idea;  2) we identified only some limited space
> for storing machines at the present time; 3) it is unclear how much
> human resources we have at our disposal; and 4) we only have one
> firm LTSP commitment and a couple of additional interested schools at
> the present time.
> My feeling is that we should probably try initially for a limited
> rollout of about 40-50 machines.  We have an adult education center here
> in Hilo that definitely will take 20 boxes (it is an old Linux lab that
> is in bad shape now with about 6 feeble machines left working, but room
> for many more).  We have 2-3 other schools that have expressed interest,
> but no firm committment.  If we can get the other machines into a couple
> of other schools, then with the two or three labs it might provide a way
> to demo the idea to yet other schools and get them on board.  I'd
> estimate that we have about 6 people that we can count on as far as
> effort; all are quite capable technically in both Linux and harware in
> general.  Some others might get involved once we demonstrate that we
> have something rolling.  Starting small will also make sure we don't
> bite off more than we can chew.
> We also were agreeable to try out a Gnomemeeting conference with your
> group there; the problem will be finding a decent time; during a regular
> meeting would be best, from the standpoint of having as many people
> around to participate.
> Let us know how you want to proceed.
> Mahalo,
> --Eric (BILUG coordinator)
> Eric Jeschke
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> LUAU mailing list

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