| Did the one school with a firm LTSP commitment say they would pay for 
| their LTSP server and networking equipment?

Not sure of that yet; I think there is a small budget of maybe a couple
thousand for the project.  My understanding is they need more clients
and to have the existing clients worked over the HW and a fresh install
of sw.  There may already be a usable server too.  We should know more by
next month's meeting.
| > My feeling is that we should probably try initially for a limited
| > rollout of about 40-50 machines.  We have an adult education center here
| > in Hilo that definitely will take 20 boxes (it is an old Linux lab that
| > is in bad shape now with about 6 feeble machines left working, but room
| > for many more).
| If these are faster standalone Linux desktops, you could use a very 
| similar setup as Michael Bishop's soon to be diskless network bootable 
| Linux workstations at McKinley Community School.

I'm very interested in finding out more about this type of
configuration.  I forsee a LOT of uses for that.


Eric Jeschke

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