Actually UH Info and Comp Sci is working with SOny on gaming technology
for use in primary education. The side goal is also to train a bunch of
students in game console programming techniques.  Chris Lee of Sony
Tri-star fame seems to also be interested in the efforts.

/brian chee

University of Hawaii at Manoa
Department of Information and Computer Sciences
Advanced Network Computing Laboratory (ANCL)
1680 East-West Road, Room 311
Honolulu, HI  96822
Voice: 808-956-5797       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian J.S. Chee, CNE/CNI

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, LinuxDan wrote:

> Eric
>          I was just approached by a software company to setup a gaming lab.
> The company wants to invest In an Opensource gaming lab here in Hawaii due
> to restrictions it has on their contract in their state on the mainland.
> I am not sure of all the details at this time but I thought it was a joke at
> first until I read parts of their contract.
> I thought also another mainland company wants to setup a business in some
> resort area so that they could come here for "business meetings" and use it
> for a tax write-off.  But as far as I can tell they somehow want to find out
> if they can run a franchise of hardcore computer gaming locations.  That
> would include Hilo, Maui and Oahu.  Another possibility would be to
> "superconnect" all three islands.  This would be our profit side services
> end. But the profit side would be able to make donations to non-profit
> organizations involved in the project.
> Dan
> Aloha
> I visited the HOSEF web site and did not find any information about a
> mailing list; apologies in advance if this list is not the appropriate
> venue.
> We had our BILUG meeting last Saturday and discussed the possibility (as
> discussed in the group IRC chat the other night) of getting some of your
> donated machines for educational LTSP installations over here on the Big
> Island.
> The short summary of it is 1) everyone present seemed interested and
> enthusiastic about the idea;  2) we identified only some limited space
> for storing machines at the present time; 3) it is unclear how much
> human resources we have at our disposal; and 4) we only have one
> firm LTSP commitment and a couple of additional interested schools at
> the present time.
> My feeling is that we should probably try initially for a limited
> rollout of about 40-50 machines.  We have an adult education center here
> in Hilo that definitely will take 20 boxes (it is an old Linux lab that
> is in bad shape now with about 6 feeble machines left working, but room
> for many more).  We have 2-3 other schools that have expressed interest,
> but no firm committment.  If we can get the other machines into a couple
> of other schools, then with the two or three labs it might provide a way
> to demo the idea to yet other schools and get them on board.  I'd
> estimate that we have about 6 people that we can count on as far as
> effort; all are quite capable technically in both Linux and harware in
> general.  Some others might get involved once we demonstrate that we
> have something rolling.  Starting small will also make sure we don't
> bite off more than we can chew.
> We also were agreeable to try out a Gnomemeeting conference with your
> group there; the problem will be finding a decent time; during a regular
> meeting would be best, from the standpoint of having as many people
> around to participate.
> Let us know how you want to proceed.
> Mahalo,
> --Eric (BILUG coordinator)
> Eric Jeschke
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