There is a discussion on K12OSN about thin clients.

"I just recently bought a diskless, fanless, computer from idot for $202

it really works great --

Normally I buy Pentium computers from one or another of the local
used computer stores for less than $50
If it doesn't have a pci nic then I have to add that
I remove the hard drive and boot from floppy.
they work great, but diskless fanless is so much better."

There is also the Via EDEN mobos...

"> The VIA boards worked great for us. I'm testing one from based
> the via board, but the foorprint is too big, they are working on that. I
> bought 30 from KamCom for $350 including 17" monitors and optical mouse.
> also built me 2 servers for $2500 ea. dual PIII, with 4 gig of ram, and
> scsi. Check with Brian at KamCom";

I be interested to hear what you decide to use.


"Dustin Cross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/28/2003
03:41:46 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Subject:    [luau] Linux Thin Clients


I was just wondering what is the least expensive thin client (everything
from keyboad to monitor) a company can put together to use with something
like LTSP?  I have looked around and find NO inexpensive thin clients
anywhere and X terminals are crazy expensive.  It seems that I can get a
low end desktop for the same price as a thin client.

Planning a business around scrounging for used hardware is not a good
option so I would expect to have to buy something.  Thin clients seem to
give me cost saving in hardware.  The servers will cost more to handle the
extra load.  But it should require less admin work once up and running.  Is
this a fair assessment of thin clients in a business enviroment?

Has there been any performance testing on thin clients compared to
desktops?  Something like how does Open Office run (i.e. how long to open
to perform a complex operation) on a thin client with a good server versus
a low end desktop (like a 1Ghz PIII with 128MB ram)?


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