On Mar 11, 2005, at 11:15 PM, Tom Gordon wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

Recently I had some very, very disturbing news passed onto me regarding what's going on with the product known as CherryOS.

I just ignore them and they go away. Attention is what they seek. IIRC, it is only PearPC's place to stake a claim and they haven't asked me for any help (no news on pearpc.sourceforge.net). So, at first glance, they would seem to be alright with it.

Theft is theft, even if the thing being stolen was free. Read the link, plenty of people are pissed-off, people who have code in pearpc.

Tell me, if you didn't know, would you buy CherryOS? Do you know anyone who would? If so, you're only aiding the rip-off.

Lets ignore Watergate, election fraud, and police abuse too, what say?

I do hope they do somethng so. If not, wouldn't that further invalidate the GPL?

Since when is the GPL invalid?

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