
Recently I had some very, very disturbing news passed onto me regarding what's going on with the product known as CherryOS.

There's been a lot of buzz about Cherry OS lately -- since they started actually selling their product -- but there are some real pits in Cherry OS, and the people behind it (MXS), that aren't getting enough attention.

This isn't about nitpicking marketing claims, we're going to be breaking down some really uncool stuff involving taking GPL-based code from PearPC (among other projects) and completely false performance claims being used to get people to hand over their cash.


If you're curious as to why Maui X-Stream, Inc. isn't being forced to stop what they're doing, this is where things get a little tricky.

To my knowledge, the GPL has never been seriously tested in an American court -- at least partially because it's considered to be legally solid. It's certainly doubtful that IBM would be pushing it so heavily with their own intellectual property if it was full of holes. It isn't that open sourced code isn't misappropriated -- it is -- but usually not by large companies (unless they're insane), and with smaller companies there are some logistical nightmares involved.

A big stumbling block is that a bunch of guys contributing code in their spare time after work generally don't have the money necessary to launch a civil suit against a company to get an injunction, let alone one in another state, let alone one in another state that's a Pacific away. It gets worse when you realize not everyone is necessarily even in the United States.

Remember, these interstate civil intellectual property suits are pretty much the purview of corporations, not individuals. Unless someone else is able to step in and file suit on their behalf, or they are able to raise enough awareness that the company isn't able to continue doing what they're doing, their options are limited.

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