On Sat, 2005-10-15 21:52, Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:
> As I posted here a couple of months or so ago, I was "soliciting"
> volunteering comrades to explore Sun's OpenSolaris.  I have found out
> that, not only here, but everywhere else I asked, no one was
> interested.  I remember you did predict this outcome.  But me
> stubborn.

"not interested" is not the same as "it doesn't support my hardware".

> So far, Sun's OpenSolaris project has been almost like a fraud.

you mean the openness of the license?

> Personally, I have never known this large number of arrogant and
> ignorant people wobbling under the same roof.  

you mean sun employees?

> If I have to rank the
> various Linux distros (for desktops) from 1 to 10, I would give
> OpenSolaris a solid minus one.

Excellent , you've proven your idiocy since -1 is not in the range of 1 
to 10, and OpenSolaris is NOT a flavor of GNU/Linux

> I hope my conclusions are serious flawed.  Your own experience?

Your hopes are fulfilled.

> Perhaps this is not a topic that should be discussed in public.  But
> since I had so much hope about OpenSolaris, I feel obligated to
> report my experience.  Any disapproving opinion will be greatly
> appreciated.  Wayne 

so, what's YOUR experience with OS?

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