Angela Kahealani wrote:
Jim (& I am sure yourself too) has a wide spectrum of knowledge. Any discussion here can be a potential subject of his not-yet-titled Pizza talk.

As I mentioned, I had very high expectations for Sun and Solaris_10/OpenSolaris. But after a while Sun really reminds me too much of Microsoft (actually an unsuccessful Microsoft wanna-be). For example, there was an obviously deeply flawed article about Linux vs. Solaris. This article was so cluelessly one-sided, even the Slashdot didn't bother to ridicule it. But the OpenSolaris homepage treated it as a big deal and even placed this article on its front page. So go figure.

IMHO, only morons or government agencies will buy new SPARCs. Sun has supposedly ported Solaris 10 to Athlon64, but there are too few users (yet) to make one feel comfortable adopting it for business use.

I remember we used to have at least a couple Solaris loyalists on this forum. That indeed was my main reason for being interested in OpenSolaris. I hope maybe we could hear from them also. Wayne

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