On 1/29/06, R. Scott Belford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Novell *has* migrated their own stuff.  They address this subject well.
>   Rana Dutt definitely could have taught you a few things about big time
> VOIP deployments.  I fear, Matt, you are determined to stick to your
> opinion in spite of the facts.

If by facts you mean ultimate truths, you might be right - 2+2=4....if by
facts you mean the common understanding, you could no be more wrong.  If you
were correct, every single person who heard about TCON would have crazy not
to attend.  All that knowledge, experience, and brain power in one place.

Most people believe that the first step to fixing a problem is identifying
it.  TCON's problem might only a be marketing and perception problem.
I believe (no facts to back this up, but as we determined earlier, that is
my style, I guess that is why I do so well business) you think the local OSS
establishment let you down by not attending TCON.  You should be mad at the
California OSS groups for not attending.  Ask yourself, why didn't they
come.  Same why I ask myself why didn't XYZ buy my product.  I see the value
of my product, they must be stupid.  If I continue to sell my product the
same way, who is being stupid, me or the customers that keep saying no?

We are definitely interested in informed, pro-active, and *timely* help.

You should have asked that question 10 months b4 TCON, not 10 days, that
would have been timley.


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