I haven't noticed any latency or downtime with Verizon or HawaiianTel for
the last 4 years.  The whole time I've been doing local caching.  If you
suspect your dns is lagging, you can try this too, using dnsmasq.  The
simplest setup would be to configure dhclient.conf to add to point
to a local copy of dnsmasq (easy to install and configure).

dnsmasq - "Supported platforms include Linux (with glibc and uclibc), *BSD
and Mac OS X. Dnsmasq is included in at least the following Linux
distributions: Gentoo, Debian, Slackware, Suse, Smoothwall, IP-Cop,
floppyfw, Firebox, LEAF, Freesco, fli4l, CoyoteLinux, Endian Firewall and
Clarkconnect. It is also available as a FreeBSD port and is used in Linksys
wireless routers and the m0n0wall project."


On 6/1/06, Peter Besenbruch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Imai wrote:
> On Ubuntu and Mepis systems I was getting slow internet response
> using Roadrunner. The name resolution seemed to take nearly a minute.
> I tried changing the default nameservers and that made a difference.
> It was faster with the lava.net, hawaiiantel.net and flex.com
> nameservers, and slower with rr.com and aol.com nameservers. Why is
> that?

Verizon had that problem, too, and it affected Windows machines. One
person mentioned location; I suspect that, like Verizon, the name
servers are not up to the traffic. You pay a lot for Lavanet, but it is
always fast.

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HAS Deepsky Atlas: http://www.hawastsoc.org/deepsky
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