rr.com has 4 dns server listed, dns4.rr.com, dns3.rr.com, dns2.rr.com
and dns1.rr.com. Unfortunately dns4 has very slow response time. In my
testing more than 3-4 seconds. Sometime even no response.

When there are multiple dns servers, it is up to the dns client to
decide how/where to send the queries. Some would send to the first
one, wait for response, if no response then send to the second one.
Other clients would send queries to all servers at the same time and
use the first response. Others use round robin to choose which one to
send query first. Without doing some research, I suspect linux always
uses the first dns server which has the lowest response time in this
case. Windows clients probably query all servers and get the response
from the fastest server.

On 6/3/06, David Imai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The RR servers are in Orange County CA and Oakland CA. The others are local.

Even if this is the case, what is causing the slowness? Windows and Mac systems 
don't seem to suffer from the problem. Is it a problem with the way the 
nameservers are configured? or is it a problem with Linux or Ubuntu? I think if 
people who try to use Linux with RR experience this problem, they will probably 
blame Linux. HOSEF is planning to distribute desktop machines to people. It 
wouldn't be good if everyone who used RR ran into this problem. so what would 
be the best way to fix it before the user runs into it?

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