On Oct 19, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Tim Newsham wrote:

Can one write malware for a non-Windows platform?  Sure.
Can one run malware from a non-privileged account?  Sure.
Can one get people to install malware on a non-Windows platform? Sure

Does Windows offer a more attractive target, especially because
a) its huge installed base


b) its proclivity for running in a mode where very few restrictions are in place
c) its got more holes than swiss cheese


We disagree, which is fine.

Sure. But now we're back to "its time to simply ban Windoze machines from the Internet."

Why, so that the installed base of another operating system grows and the same exact situation arises again for another operating system?

This is the entirety of my point -- removing all windows machines does nothing to solve the problem. It just changes the preferred platform of attacks...

If your point is that stupidity will dominate, so people will install malware no matter what kind of OS you've provided, then there is no solution short of "welding the hood shut". NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.

Was that your point?

If so, we need a new sign: "You must be at least this smart to take this ride."

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