Maybe the $100 laptop from MIT?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nakashima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "LUAU" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [LUAU] Its time to simply ban Windoze machines from the Internet

On Saturday, October 21, 2006, at 01:17  PM, Maddog wrote:

OS's are only as secure as the users that use them. I think that's a repeat of what Tim said. Aside from the obscure OS's Jim reffered too (not to say they are not in use, just not widespread), in the real world where billions are spent on MS, OS X and *nix's, there is no "secure" installation. It's all under attack and is what keeps us all in a positive cash flow.


I'm not saying we should all use a safe, basic, maybe crippled system.
Millions of people need robust systems.
Millions more are savvy enough to stay safe.
Millions more can afford to become victims.
However, there are millions who would benefit from what the Net can provide, don't need robust systems, are not technically savvy enough to stay safe, and cannot afford to become victims. Many of them just want to email their grandkids and browse a bit. There must be a way to keep the service economy pumping and keep those people safe at the same time.

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