--- On Tue, 6/30/09, R. Scott Belford <sc...@belford.net> wrote:
> >  Ubuntu's built on Debian, and Debian is an extremely
> stripped-down
> > distro.  C Compiler? not included. Basic networking
> utilities? not
> > included.  Etcetera, etcetera.

On Fedora, GCC isn't installed on a 'standard default' install.  It's been like 
that for a long time.

It's just the philosophy of a binary Linux distro vs. a source based OS like 
FreeBSD.  In that you don't need to build so GCC isn't necessary...  But is a 
'yum install gcc' away.

> Debian has over 20,000 packages available.  Ubuntu is
> in the same
> area.  For some reason Ubuntu ships with traceroute6
> installed, but
> not traceroute.  Should one wish to stay with the
> command line,
> "aptitude search" and "apt-cache search" help.

Fedora has traceroute6 symlinked to traceroute.

$ ls -l /bin/traceroute6 
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 2009-06-14 14:28 /bin/traceroute6 -> traceroute
$ rpm -q traceroute

- Julian

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