On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Al Plant<n...@hdk5.net> wrote:
> Aloha,
> Thanks this worked from the command line just fine.
> Now I dont understand the CUPS printing setup. I tried the helper app but no
> printcap file was created for my Laserjet 1100.
> There is a driver listed and the ljet4q is selected but no que was written
> or printcap file so the test didnt work from the command line.

Try localhost:631 with a browser.  This is the real cups front-end.
You might try the command, aptitude search cups| grep lpr, to see what
terminal tools are available.  Others might have a better query to
suggest.  I seem to recall there being a toolset for those used to lpr
and printcaps.

> I am used to FreeBAS that has all the Utilities installed. Now I remember
> why I switched. I only ever had a Debian box that seemed to like me. A long
> time ago. Scott may remember the days at Mid Pac.

Wow, Al.  That's going back to, what, 2001(ish)?

Interestingly, the more I, ahem, mature, the more I love and
appreciate FreeBSD.  Want a great example?  The SSO Roaming Profile
samba/nfs/ldap piece that is critical to an open standards
infrastructure is challenging at best.  Read how this FreeBSD forum
how-to evolves to a script and an .iso within 6 months.


> Mahalo...
> --
> ~Al

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