On 2013-06-10 09:44, Tracer wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Ali Linx (amjjawad)
>> I have failed to produce that issue no matter how many times I have tired.
>> I even tried below 256MB of RAM but that did not crash the installation at
>> all. YES, the installation process was SO SLOW but never crashed, in all my
>> tests.
> 1) That means you know something which we do not.
> And/ or 
> 2) Your test machines are not representive/ including entire sample set.
> Of course, (2) is impossible for one person or even one team to tackle.
> **But if all of us add our parameters & outcomes to a Database, it could
> help the devs to pinpoint the causes of problems instead of guessing 
> or even doubting the existence of installation-problems.
> All features of a great software are in vain if it is not installed.
> Whether because it is un-installable or because the user is incompetent,
> the outcome is the same.
> " Even a high RAM machine cannot install Lubuntu with slideshow if
> the processor is AMDK6/ does not support SSE2 "
> **There must be MANY such observations, as of now unverified/ undocumented, 
> which could be gathered & addressed or maybe documented onscreen so that 
> a newbie installing Lubuntu does not give up in frustration.
> One thing I have wished for is an INDICATION that installation is
> proceeding normally. After half an hour or more of no feedback except
> maybe a blinking cursor, a user tends to get curious, depressed, or
> impatient. If it uses too much resources to give a reassuring feedback,
> then atleast there could be a page or message giving estimates of 
> time required based on processor/ RAM/ etc.
> Actually, I found it difficult to hit SEND on this message because 
> there is danger of sounding whiney & ungrateful ( and repetitive ) 
> But believe me, I am grateful. But for Lubuntu, I would be spending
> wastefully on new hardware and Windows or getting very drowsy trying 
> bloated Linuxes on this hardware. So thanks to all responsible !
> BR
> Tracey

I think the difference is *already installed swap*

and it is probably not told to the newbies clearly enough, how important
it is when the RAM is low.

If you start with a computer without linux, there will be no swap, and
if the RAM is below 1 GB (or maybe below 768MB), you should start
editing the partitions with for example gparted, and at least create
swap. I think it is too late at the partitioning page of the installer
(if the you reach that page at all).

There are also other work-arounds, as has been indicated in this mail
tread as well as other recent treads: zRAM, switching off the
slide-show, using the alternate installer ...

So I encourage you and everybody else to use this opportunity to make it
clear, that we need improvements either of

Plan A: the most used installer,
Plan B: much better documentation,

and to encourage whoever has the capability and time to help doing it.

Best regards

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