Hello again, attached is the source code of the only class interacting directly with Lucene in my app. Sorry for not providing a complete test case as it's hard for me to come up with something self contained. Maybe there is something that's obviously wrong in what I'm doing.
Thanks for any help. PA
// // =========================================================================== // // Title: SZIndex.java // Description: [Description] // Author: Raphael Szwarc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> // Creation Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 // Legal: Copyright (C) 2001 Raphael Szwarc. All Rights Reserved. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // package alt.dev.szobject; import com.lucene.store.Directory; import com.lucene.store.FSDirectory; import com.lucene.store.RAMDirectory; import com.lucene.document.Field; import com.lucene.document.DateField; import com.lucene.document.Document; import com.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import com.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import com.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import com.lucene.index.IndexReader; import com.lucene.index.Term; import com.lucene.search.IndexSearcher; import com.lucene.search.MultiSearcher; import com.lucene.search.Searcher; import com.lucene.search.Query; import com.lucene.search.Hits; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import alt.dev.szfoundation.SZHexCoder; import alt.dev.szfoundation.SZDate; import alt.dev.szfoundation.SZSystem; import alt.dev.szfoundation.SZLog; final class SZIndex extends Object { // =========================================================================== // Constant(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final String Extension = ".index"; // =========================================================================== // Class variable(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final Filter _filter = new Filter(); // =========================================================================== // Instance variable(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private String _path = null; private transient File _directory = null; private transient Directory _indexDirectory = null; private transient IndexWriter _writer = null; private transient IndexReader _reader = null; private transient Searcher _searcher = null; private transient Directory _ramDirectory = null; private transient IndexWriter _ramWriter = null; private transient int _counter = 0; // =========================================================================== // Constructor method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private SZIndex() { super(); } // =========================================================================== // Class method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static FilenameFilter filter() { return _filter; } static String stringByDeletingPathExtension(String aPath) { if ( aPath != null ) { int anIndex = aPath.lastIndexOf( SZIndex.Extension ); if ( anIndex > 0 ) { aPath = aPath.substring( 0, anIndex ); } return aPath; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.stringByDeletingPathExtension: null path." ); } static SZIndex indexWithNameInDirectory(String aName, File aDirectory) { if ( aName != null ) { if ( aDirectory != null ) { String anEncodedName = SZHexCoder.encode( aName.getBytes() ); //String aPath = aDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + anEncodedName + SZIndex.Extension + File.separator; String aPath = aDirectory.getPath() + File.separator + aName + SZIndex.Extension + File.separator; SZIndex anIndex = new SZIndex(); anIndex.setPath( aPath ); return anIndex; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.indexWithNameInDirectory: null directory." ); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.indexWithNameInDirectory: null name." ); } static String stringForValue(Object aValue ) { if ( aValue != null ) { String aStringValue = null; if ( ( aValue instanceof SZDate ) == true ) { aValue = ( (SZDate) aValue ).internalDate(); } else if ( ( aValue instanceof SZPersistent ) == true ) { aValue = ( (SZPersistent) aValue ).id(); } if ( ( aValue instanceof Date ) == true ) { aStringValue = DateField.dateToString( (Date) aValue ); } else if ( ( aValue instanceof SZID ) == true ) { aStringValue = ( (SZID) aValue ).uuidString(); } else { aStringValue = aValue.toString(); } return aStringValue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.stringForValue: null value." ); } // =========================================================================== // Instance method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private String path() { return _path; } private void setPath(String aValue) { _path = aValue; } private File directory() { if ( _directory == null ) { String aPath = this.path(); if ( aPath != null ) { _directory = new File( aPath ); if ( _directory.exists() == false ) { _directory.mkdirs(); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "SZIndex.directory: null path." ); } } return _directory; } private boolean shouldCreate() { File aDirectory = this.directory(); String[] aList = aDirectory.list(); if ( ( aList == null ) || ( aList.length == 0 ) ) { return true; } return false; } boolean exists() { File aFile = this.directory(); if ( aFile != null ) { return aFile.exists(); } return false; } private SZDate lastModifiedDate() { if ( this.exists() == true ) { File aDirectory = this.directory(); Date aDate = new Date( aDirectory.lastModified() ); SZDate aCalendarDate = SZDate.dateWithDate( aDate ); return aCalendarDate; } return null; } public int hashCode() { return this.path().hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object anObject) { if ( this == anObject ) { return true; } return this.path().equals( ( (SZIndex) anObject ).path() ); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if ( _writer != null ) { this.optimize(); } super.finalize(); } // =========================================================================== // Index method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchronized void optimize() { try { this.flush(); if ( _writer != null ) { _writer.optimize(); _writer.close(); } _writer = null; _indexDirectory = null; } catch(Exception anException) { anException.printStackTrace(); SZLog.warning( anException ); _writer = null; _indexDirectory = null; SZSystem.gc(); } } private Directory indexDirectory() throws IOException { if ( _indexDirectory == null ) { File aFile = this.directory(); boolean shouldCreate = this.shouldCreate(); //_indexDirectory = FSDirectory.getDirectory( aFile, shouldCreate ); _indexDirectory = new FSDirectory( aFile, shouldCreate ); } return _indexDirectory; } private IndexWriter writer() throws IOException { if ( _writer == null ) { Directory aDirectory = this.indexDirectory(); Analyzer anAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(); boolean shouldCreate = this.shouldCreate(); _writer = new IndexWriter( aDirectory, anAnalyzer, shouldCreate ); _writer.mergeFactor = 2; } return _writer; } private IndexReader reader() throws IOException { if ( _reader == null ) { System.gc(); _reader = IndexReader.open( this.indexDirectory() ); } return _reader; } private Searcher searcher() throws IOException { if ( _searcher == null ) { System.gc(); _searcher = new IndexSearcher( this.reader() ); } if ( _ramDirectory != null ) { Searcher aRamSearcher = new IndexSearcher( IndexReader.open( _ramDirectory ) ); return new MultiSearcher( new Searcher[] { aRamSearcher, _searcher } ); } return _searcher; } // =========================================================================== // RAM method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private Directory ramDirectory() throws IOException { if ( _ramDirectory == null ) { _ramDirectory = new RAMDirectory(); } return _ramDirectory; } private IndexWriter ramWriter() throws IOException { if ( _ramWriter == null ) { Directory aDirectory = this.ramDirectory(); Analyzer anAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(); _ramWriter = new IndexWriter( aDirectory, anAnalyzer, true ); } return _ramWriter; } private void flush() throws IOException { if ( ( _ramDirectory != null ) && ( _ramDirectory.list() != null ) && ( _ramDirectory.list().length > 0 ) && ( _ramWriter != null ) ) { _ramWriter.optimize(); _ramWriter.close(); this.writer().addIndexes( new Directory[] { _ramDirectory } ); _ramWriter = null; _ramDirectory = null; _reader = null; _searcher = null; } } // =========================================================================== // Indexing method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- synchronized Hits search(Query aQuery) throws IOException { if ( aQuery != null ) { if ( this.shouldCreate() == false ) { return this.searcher().search( aQuery ); } return null; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.search: null query." ); } synchronized void deleteIndexWithID(SZID anID) throws IOException { if ( anID != null ) { if ( this.shouldCreate() == false ) { String aValue = SZIndex.stringForValue( anID ); Term aTerm = new Term( SZDescription.IDKey, aValue ); IndexReader aReader = this.reader(); aReader.delete( aTerm ); } return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.deleteIndexWithID: null id." ); } synchronized void indexValuesWithID(Map someValues, SZID anID) throws IOException { if ( someValues != null ) { if ( anID != null ) { Class aClass = anID.entity(); SZDescription aDescription = SZDescription.descriptionForClass( aClass ); Collection someUniqueKeys = aDescription.uniqueKeys(); String anIdentifier = SZIndex.stringForValue( anID ); Field anIdentifierField = Field.Keyword( SZDescription.IDKey, anIdentifier ); String aClassName = anID.entity().getName(); Field aClassField = Field.Keyword( SZDescription.ClassKey, aClassName ); Document aDocument = new Document(); IndexWriter aWriter = this.ramWriter(); aDocument.add( anIdentifierField ); aDocument.add( aClassField ); for( Iterator anIterator = someValues.keySet().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext(); ) { Object aKey = anIterator.next(); Object aValue = someValues.get( aKey ); String aKeyName = aKey.toString(); String aStringValue = SZIndex.stringForValue( aValue ); Field aField = null; if ( ( ( aValue instanceof SZPersistent ) == true ) || ( ( someUniqueKeys != null ) && ( someUniqueKeys.contains( aKeyName ) == true ) ) ) { aField = new Field( aKeyName, aStringValue, false, true, false) ; } else { aField = Field.UnStored( aKeyName, aStringValue ); } aDocument.add( aField ); } aWriter.addDocument( aDocument ); aWriter.optimize(); _counter += 1; if ( _counter > 100 ) { this.flush(); _counter = 0; } return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.indexValues: null id." ); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SZIndex.indexValues: null values." ); } // =========================================================================== // FilenameFilter method(s) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final class Filter extends Object implements FilenameFilter { private Filter() { super(); } public boolean accept(File aDirectory, String aName) { if ( aName.endsWith( SZIndex.Extension ) == true ) { File aFile = new File( aDirectory, aName ); if ( aFile.isDirectory() == true ) { return true; } } return false; } } }
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