The documentation says:

Once you've gotten this far you're probably itching to go. Let's start by creating the 
index you'll need for the web examples. Since you've already set your classpath in the 
previous examples, all you need to do is type "java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexHTML 
-create -index {index-dir} ..". You'll need to do this from a (any) subdirectory of 
your {tomcat}/webapps directory (make sure you didn't leave off the ".." or you'll get 
a null pointer exception). {index-dir} should be a directory that Tomcat has 
permission to read and write, but is outside of a web accessible context. By default 
the webapp is configured to look in /opt/lucene/index for this index. 

A copy of my site is in:


My web application runs on

how can I make the lucene index map the URLs of the indexed files to:


Please help!

Samuel Alfonso Velázquez Díaz

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