One point to note about Lucene is that it isn't a stand-alone search engine
like Inktomi.  It lets you build a search engine into your application.
You (as a developer) are responsible for writing the code that adds your
content to the index, and for writing the code that displays the search
results to the user. The demo code is great, but it's really just a start
for your applications

One approach would be to store the paths of each file (relative to
c:\myfiles\www) as a field on the document, and then use that path to build
up a link in the search results page.   You could add a server name here if
you needed to

Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pinky Iyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lucene Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding Setup Lucine for my site

> I dont understand the explanantion. When I try and index the documents as
mentioned in the examples, and then when i run the app and do a sample
search, it does point to the directory structure say "c:/filesToIndex/www/"
instead of "http://localhost:8080/www/";. So how can this be changed to
reflect the website domain as mentioned by you. Could you explain again. Say
my docs are under a directory c:/filesToIndex/www/ and the wesite is as you
said http://localhost:8080/ , then how to proceed!
> Thanks in advance!
>  Samuel Alfonso Velázquez Díaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh ok, I thougth it was going to be some thing like the egothor search
engine (A java based search engine). When you create the Index, you issue a
command like:
> java org.egothor.indexer.mirror.DoTanker /tmp/my_www
Project/Egothor/var/www as http://localhost:8080
> /thmp/my_www: Is the path to the directory where the index is to be
> Project/Egothor/var/www: is the path to the local file system files to be
> and as http://localhost:8080 is the prefix that the index will keep on the
hit list. This way the index will be relative to http://localhost:8080. Even
if your production site may be an other site.
> Thanks for your comments, any way now I know that I have to modify code to
do this.
> Regards!
> Jeff Linwood wrote:Hi,
> I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand what you are asking, but when
> you get the results back from Lucene (the hits) it's up to you to format
> them to display on a web page - you can always do the modification there
> when you display the links to the results.
> Jeff
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Samuel Alfonso Velázquez Díaz"
> To: "Lucene Users List"
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:33 AM
> Subject: Regarding Setup Lucine for my site
> >
> > The documentation says:
> >
> > Once you've gotten this far you're probably itching to go. Let's start
> creating the index you'll need for the web examples. Since you've already
> set your classpath in the previous examples, all you need to do is type
> "java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexHTML -create -index {index-dir} ..".
> You'll need to do this from a (any) subdirectory of your {tomcat}/webapps
> directory (make sure you didn't leave off the ".." or you'll get a null
> pointer exception). {index-dir} should be a directory that Tomcat has
> permission to read and write, but is outside of a web accessible context.
> default the webapp is configured to look in /opt/lucene/index for this
> index.
> >
> > A copy of my site is in:
> >
> > C:\CopiaSite20030228\
> >
> > My web application runs on
> >
> >
> >
> > how can I make the lucene index map the URLs of the indexed files to:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Please help!
> >
> >
> > Samuel Alfonso Velázquez Díaz
> >
> >
> >
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