Hi there,

I have not yet got any response about my problem.

While debugging into the depth of lucene (really hard to read deep insde) I 
discovered that it is possible to disable the Locks using a System property.

When I start my application with -DdisableLuceneLocks=true, 
I do not get the error anymore.

I just wonder if this is legal and wont cause other trouble???
As far as I could understand the source, a proper thread 
synchronization is done using locks on Java Objects and
the index-store locks seem to be required only if multiple 
lucenes (in different VMs) work on the same index.
In my situation there is only one Java-VM running and only one
lucene is working on one index. 

Am I safe disabling the locking???
Can anybody tell me where to get documentation about the Locking
strategy (I still would like to know why I have that problem) ???

Or does anybody know where to get an official example of how to
handle concurrent index modification and searches?

Tank you so much

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