If you are using Lucene 1.3, try using the index in "compound" format. You will have to rebuild (or convert) your index to this format. The handy utility Luke will convert an index easily.


On Mar 25, 2004, at 9:34 PM, Charlie Smith wrote:

I need to get solution to following error ASAP. Please help me with this.
I'm getting following error returned from call to


try {
searcher = new IndexSearcher(
IndexReader.open(indexName) //create an
indexSearcher for our page
} catch (Exception e) { //any error that
happens is probably due
//to a permission
problem or non-existant
//or otherwise corrupt
<p>ERROR opening the Index - contact sysadmin!</p>
<p>While parsing query: <%=e.getMessage()%></p>
<% error = true; //don't do
anything up to the footer

ERROR opening the Index - contact sysadmin!

While parsing query:
/opt/famhistdev/fhstage/jbin/.docSearcher/indexes/fhstage_update/ _3ff.f6 (Too
many open files)



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