I don't want to get into a debate that involves slamming source forge. They
provide a great service.
However to answer your question:
1. Reliable downloads.   They don't always seem to complete.
2. An orgainized tree stucture  into available apps
3. A nicer presentation.  GUI look and feel is very gooy.
4. Sloppy forums.   Answers to questions take a long time or never.  Look and
feel is ugly.
    I guess lack of forum organization. Notification of answered questions is
not there.  Or doesn't appear to be.

On the other hand, it's much better than nothing.  

Back to the problem of (too many files open):

I'm really having difficulty recompiling all the java routines in the program
that I have.  Being new to Java, 
it's probably just my inexperience, but I hope to be able to get this done
soon. Though any help along these
lines would be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, inside the Index.java file is a call to:
                                        iw = new IndexWriter(di.indexerPath,
new StandardAnalyzer(), false);

I added the 2nd line per recommendation earlier on this topic.

In trying to recompile the Index.java file I get following errors:
Index.java:125: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method didParse ()
location: class PdfToText
                       else if  (pp.didParse()) {
Index.java:352: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method setUseCompoundFilter (boolean)
location: class org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
Index.java:444: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method setUseCompoundFilter (boolean)
location: class org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
./EmailThread.java:2: package javax.mail does not exist
import javax.mail.*;
./EmailThread.java:3: package javax.mail.internet does not exist
import javax.mail.internet.*;
./WordToText.java:5: package org.apache.poi.hdf.extractor does not exist
import org.apache.poi.hdf.extractor.WordDocument;

and it keeps going to about 58 errors.  Hey it was peaking out over 100, so I'm
some improvement. 

Any help would be appreciated.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/26/2004 12:16:13 PM >>>

As PDFBox is an all Java solution there is no specific linux/unix version.
The source that is available with the downloaded package should suit your
needs.  What does the sourceforge site not provide for you?


On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Charlie Smith wrote:

> Is there another source for the pdfbox than the sourceforge link from
> pdfbox.org?
> I'd like to get the linux/unix version, and wonder if the source there is ok
> use?
> Couldn't this be made available to jakarta, or maybe it has?
> >> Otis wrote on 3/24/04
> >>Subject:    Re: analyzer for word perfect?
> >
> >I just finished writing a chapter for Lucene in Action that deals with
> >that.
> >PDF: pdfbox.org
> >MS Word/Excel: jakarta.apache.org/poi
> >WP: http://www.google.com/search?q=java+word+perfect+parser 
> >Note that what you need are parsers.  The term Analyzer has a special
> >meaning in Lucene realm.
> >Otis
> >--- Charlie Smith  wrote:
> >> Is there an analyzer for WordPerfect files?
> >>
> >> I have a need to be able to index WP files as well as MS files, pdfs,
> >> etc.
> >>
> >>
> > -- Otis wrote on 3/24/04
> >Subject:    Re: analyzer for word perfect?
> >
> >I just finished writing a chapter for Lucene in Action that deals with
> >that.
> >PDF: pdfbox.org
> >MS Word/Excel: jakarta.apache.org/poi
> >WP: http://www.google.com/search?q=java+word+perfect+parser 
> >Note that what you need are parsers.  The term Analyzer has a special
> >meaning in Lucene realm.
> >Otis
> >--- Charlie Smith  wrote:
> >> Is there an analyzer for WordPerfect files?
> >>
> >> I have a need to be able to index WP files as well as MS files, pdfs,
> >> etc.
> >>
> >>
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