
How to perform phrase searches for more than four words?

This works well with 1.4.2:
"aa bb cc dd"
I pass the query as a command line parameter on XP: "\"aa bb cc dd\""
QueryParser translates it to: text:aa text:bb text:cc text:dd
Runs, searches, finds proper matches.

This throws exeption in QueryParser:
"aa bb cc dd ee"
I pass the query as a command line parameter on XP: "\"aa bb cc dd ee\""
The exception's text is:
: org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Lexical error at line 1, column
13.  Encountered: <EOF> after : "\"aa bb cc dd"

It doesn't matter what words I enter, the only thing that matters is the number 
of words which can
be four at max.


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