Kevin L. Cobb wrote:

We recently started using SVN for SCM, were using VSS. We're trying out
approach A, branching off for each release. Development always develops
on the trunk, except when a bug is discovered that needs to be patched
to a previous version of the product. When that scenario comes up (and
it never has), then the developer has to make the change to the branched
version that needs to be patched and then must merge those changes into
other branches and the trunk.

It seems to be a cleaner approach, at least for now. Of course, for an
open source project like Lucene, I'm not sure branching is necessary at
all. Anyone have any other models to use for SCM, I'd love to hear them,

We've tried a variety of approaches over the years, but this one seems to be the easiest to handle and least prone to errors. It's nice to see someone else has reached the same conclusion!


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