On Feb 18, 2005, at 3:47 PM, Paul Elschot wrote:


Just curious: it would seem easier to use multiple fields for the
original case and lowercase searching. Is there any particular reason
you analyzed the documents to multiple indexes instead of multiple fields?

I considered that approach, however to expose QueryParser I'd have to get tricky. If I have title_orig and title_lc fields, how would I allow freeform queries of title:something?


p.s. It's fun to see the types of queries folks have already tried since I sent this e-mail (repeated queries are possibly someone paging):

INFO: Query = +title:dog +archivetype:rap : hits = 3
INFO: Query = +title:dog +archivetype:rap : hits = 3
INFO: Query = +title:dog +archivetype:rap : hits = 3
INFO: Query = rosetti : hits = 3
INFO: Query = +year:[0000 TO 1911] +(archivetype:radheader OR archivetype:rap) : hits = 2182
INFO: Query = advil : hits = 0
INFO: Query = test : hits = 24
INFO: Query = td : hits = 1
INFO: Query = td : hits = 1
INFO: Query = woman : hits = 363
INFO: Query = woman : hits = 363
INFO: Query = hello : hits = 0
INFO: Query = +rosetta +archivetype:rap : hits = 0
INFO: Query = +year:[0000 TO 1911] +(archivetype:radheader OR archivetype:rap) : hits = 2182
INFO: Query = poem : hits = 316
INFO: Query = crisis : hits = 7
INFO: Query = "crisis at every moment" : hits = 1
INFO: Query = toy : hits = 41
INFO: Query = title:echer : hits = 0
INFO: Query = senori : hits = 0
INFO: Query = +dear +sirs : hits = 11
INFO: Query = title:more : hits = 0
INFO: Query = more : hits = 365
INFO: Query = title:rossetti : hits = 329
INFO: Query = +blessed +damozel : hits = 103
INFO: Query = title:test : hits = 0
INFO: Query = +test +archivetype:radheader : hits = 3
INFO: Query = "crisis at every moment" : hits = 1
INFO: Query = rome : hits = 70
INFO: Query = fdshjkfjkhkfad : hits = 0
INFO: Query = stone : hits = 153
INFO: Query = +title:shakespeare +archivetype:radheader : hits = 1
INFO: Query = title:"xx i ll" : hits = 0
INFO: Query = +dog +cat : hits = 6
INFO: Query = +year:[1280 TO 1305] +archivetype:radheader : hits = 0
INFO: Query = guru : hits = 0
INFO: Query = philosophy : hits = 14
INFO: Query = title:install : hits = 0
INFO: Query = +title:install +archivetype:radheader : hits = 0
INFO: Query = "help freeform.html" : hits = 0
INFO: Query = "help freeform.html" : hits = 0
INFO: Query = install : hits = 1
INFO: Query = life : hits = 554
INFO: Query = life : hits = 554
INFO: Query = life : hits = 554

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