
I'm having a situation where my synonyms weren't working for a particular

When I looked at the indexing I noticed it was a Keyword, thus not

The problem is when I switched that field to Text (now tokenized with my
SynonymAnalyzer) a bunch of query queires broke that where testing for
starting with or  or ending with a specific string. My SynonymAnalyzer wraps
a StanardAnalyzer, which acts as I would like for all fields but this one. I
don't want to change the behavior for all tokenizing. Only this one field's
data must remain unaltered.

I was hoping to make a Analyzer, that just applied the Synonyms, that I
could just use on the one field when I added it to the Document. But now
that I'm looking at the API I'm not sure I can specifiy a different analyzer
when creating a field.

Any tips?



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