On Feb 18, 2005, at 6:37 PM, Paul Elschot wrote:

On Friday 18 February 2005 21:55, Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Feb 18, 2005, at 3:47 PM, Paul Elschot wrote:


Just curious: it would seem easier to use multiple fields for the
original case and lowercase searching. Is there any particular reason
you analyzed the documents to multiple indexes instead of multiple

I considered that approach, however to expose QueryParser I'd have to get tricky. If I have title_orig and title_lc fields, how would I allow freeform queries of title:something?

By lowercasing the querytext and searching in title_lc ?

Well sure, but how about this query:

        title:Something AND anotherField:someOtherValue

QueryParser, as-is, won't be able to do field-name swapping. I could certainly apply that technique on all the structured queries that I build up with the API, but with QueryParser it is trickier. I'm definitely open for suggestions on improving how case is handled. The only drawback now is that I'm duplicating indexes, but that is only an issue in how long it takes to rebuild the index from scratch (currently about 20 minutes or so on a good day - when the machine isn't swamped).


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