Kevin A. Burton wrote:

I finally had some time to take Doug's advice and reburn our indexes with a larger TermInfosWriter.INDEX_INTERVAL value.

You know... it looks like the problem is that TermInfosReader uses INDEX_INTERVAL during seeks and is probably just jumping RIGHT past the offsets that I need.

If this is going to be a practical way of reducing Lucene memory footprint for HUGE indexes then its going to need a way to change this value based on the current index thats being opened.

Is there anyway to determine the INDEX_INTERVAL from the file? It looks according to:

That the .tis file (which according to the docs the .tii file "is very similar to the .tis file" ) should have this data:

So according to this:

TermInfoFile (.tis)--> TIVersion, TermCount, IndexInterval, SkipInterval, TermInfos

The only problem is that the .tii and .tis files I have on disk don't have a constant preamble and doesnt' look like there's an index interval here...



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