Use Luke to peek in your index and find out what really got indexed.
You could also try the extreme case and set that max value to the max



> Hi everyone
> I'm having a bizzare problem with a few of the documents here that do
> not seem to get indexed entirely.
> I use textmining WordExtractor to convert M$ Word to plain text and
> then 
> index that text.
> For example one document which is about 230KB in size when converted
> to 
> plain text, when indexed and
> later searched for a pharse in the last 2-3 paragraphs returns no
> hits, 
> yet searching anything above those
> paragraphs works just fine. WordExtractor does convert the entire 
> document to text, I've checked that.
> I've tried increasing the number of terms per field from default
> 10,000 
> to 20,000 with writer.maxFieldLength
> but that didnt make any difference, still cant find phrases from the 
> last 2-3 paragraphs.
> Any ideas as to why this could be happening and how I could rectify
> it?
> thanks,
> -pedja
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