To clarify a bit: the book I mentioned got quite good 
reviews and I just wondered if it is really the bible 
of Elizabethan English. My continental and maybe wrong 
impression has been that a word Shakespeare didn't 
write didn't exist. 
On the other hand I would certainly be delighted to 
hear which books on the topic you prefer and why.



Am 29 Sep 2003 um 13:52 hat Stephan Olbertz 

> Dear list,
> yesterday I came across a page advertising a book called "All 
> the words on stage", which deals with the pronunciation of 
> Shakespeare's English:
> It would be nice to hear if anyone knows the book and could 
> comment on its usefulness for our lute song purposes, for 
> example how to rhyme "sympathy" on "die" etc.
> Regards,
> Stephan

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