Good People -

The conventional wisdom regarding theatrical stage is
that if one cannot do a good job at an accent, one
should not do it at all (this explains why in a recent
Robin Hood movie, for example, the main character
sounded like a Yank - that and Kevin Costner can't

This does not entitle one not to practice at dialects,
though.  I feel this is as applicable to the musical
stage as well.

It's all just vowels when one sings, after all.



--- Stephan Olbertz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am 30 Sep 2003 um 14:08 hat David Rastall
> geschrieben:
> > On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 09:54 PM, Jon
> Murphy wrote:
> > 
> > > Forget pronounciation...
> > 
> > I agree.  "Putting on" an accent is one thing, but
> reproducing someone
> > else's speech perfectly is very difficult.  
> Maybe as difficult as playing the lute. It's only
> fair to get 
> the singers into some work, isn't it? :-)
> Stephan

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