At 11:31 AM 10/11/2003 +0200, arielabramovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't play for both: fascists, and people like you. There's no price for

Interesting. When you play in Spain, do you check the political credentials 
of anybody who comes in the door? How do you know that you have not in fact 
played in front of people who still remember Francisco Franco fondly?

As for people like me, I agree with you. You have never played in front of 
me, and since there is no one in the whole wide world who is like me, I am 
one of a kind, sui generis, you have never played in front of people like 
me and never will.

>You're the one with the particular moral, so let the stupid out of fashion
>idealists-Marxists-whatever like me be decent and poor.

Well put. You have your morality and I have mine.

>Get a life, you sound too frustrated.

Not at all. I have had along and productive life, and I am basically a very 
happy man. I do what I want to do and I do it well. Like your friend Roman 
told you, I am only trying to protect my domain, my investment in time and 
money and inspiration and creativity, against the onslaught of thieves like 
you who will find any rationale possible to defend the indefensible. Mrs. 
Minkoff is not exactly a close friend of mine. I used to be a dealer for 
her books many years before OMI came into being, and for quite some time 
she was a dealer for my editions in Switzerland and France. She is a 
colleague and a former business associate. All I know about her business is 
that some books I used to sell, like the Saizenay Manuscript, are no longer 
in print and no chance it will ever be reprinted, no matter what it says on 
her web site. The Danby manuscript, prepared for her by Tim Crawford, has 
been in the planning stage for years by now and if she is reluctant to 
throw good money after bad, and the music is NOT available to you because 
of that, you can start thinking of why this is happening, and if you and 
your feebleminded morality have anything to do with that.

And BTW, I bought from her practically every single guitar and lute book 
she ever published. When I was a dealer, I got a regular dealer's discount. 
And when I stopped being a dealer, I paid the full price. I have on hand 
some 60-70 books published by Minkoff. Some of the best purchases of books 
I have ever made in my life. They will remain in my collection a long time 
after I have gone.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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